Safety Sheet


The Illinois Junior Academy of Science

                Directions:  The student is asked to read this introduction carefully, fill out the bottom of this sheet, and sign it.  The science teacher and/or advisor must sign in the indicated space.

Safety and the Student: Experimentation or design may involve an element of risk or injury to the student, test subjects and to others.  Recognition of such hazards and provision for adequate control measures are joint responsibilities of the student and the sponsor.  Some of the more common risks encountered in research are those of electrical shock, infection from pathogenic organisms, uncontrolled reactions of incompatible chemicals, eye injury from materials or procedures, and fire in apparatus or work area.  Countering these hazards and others with suitable controls is an integral part of good scientific research.

In the box below, list the principal hazards associated with your project, if any, and what specific precautions you have used as safeguards.  Be sure to read the entire section in the Policy and Procedure Manual of the Illinois Junior Academy of Science entitled “Safety Guidelines for Experimentation” before completing this form.

  • There are no safety precautions needed.

Student Exhibitor(s)


Sponsor *

*As a sponsor, I assume all responsibilities related to this project.


This Sheet Must Be Typed

This form must be displayed on the front of the exhibitor’s display board.  It may be reduced to half a sheet of paper; 8.5 inches (vertical) X 5.5 inches (horizontal).

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